Pain is an inevitable component to human life and human evolution. I heard it said many times in the Marine Corps that, “pain retains.” What they meant by this is that pain will help you retain knowledge better than any other type of experience or technique to learn information.

Unconscious evolution equals Pain. Living your life without learning the necessary life lessons lead to bondage, suffering and pain. Conscious evolution equals freedom because the higher you progress within your consciousness you will learn not to take things personally and to find the empowering meaning in everything. This is called Perceptual Empowerment and I have put together a free three-part strategy session for you on this topic here The Alchemy Of Pain.

If you want to avoid pain than you must learn life’s lessons from a distance before it is your turn to learn the hard way. This takes a high level of awareness or consciousness and a very secure grip on reality.

To touch the stove when it is not hot and thus not to learn the lesson of the stove will only mean that you will touch it again unless you can perceive that hot stoves burn people in another way. To touch the hot stove while still failing to learn the lesson of the hot stove is not to find the purpose within the pain and cost possibly to continue on doing the same thing which can cause pain to turn into suffering. This is essentially what happens when people take many circumstances in life personally. It is hard to find the lesson in life when everything that takes place is directly attached to your identity. Naturally we desire to preserve our ego identities and this is why seeing the truth from that vantage point is extremely difficult.

What is the lesson in touching a hot stove? Stoves are hot and they burn people… If that lesson is not deep enough for you then consider how these lessons affect your consciousness.To raise your level of consciousness is simply to become more aware of things. The more aware you are of the truth, who you are and what life truly is; the more power you have over life and thus the more effectively you will be able to create, control and interact with it. If you cannot raise your level of consciousness either through wisdom and perception that the stove is hot or manually through pain then you will experience suffering in your life.

It is the same of all types of pain that you are experiencing within your day-to-day life. Pain shows up to bring your awareness or consciousness to a certain area of your life that needs to evolve. If you feel pain because you are pinching her arm,

would you get angry at your arm, your fingers or the behavior that is driving the actions within the event?

Naturally in order to stop the pain, the behavior driving the event must change and so it is with your life. The pain just served as an arrow to get your attention and point you in the right direction to evolve and raise your level of consciousness concerning certain behaviors that are truly not serving you.

The perversion slips and through our natural desire not to face reality. All pain is the result of fighting against or failing to accept reality. All pain is the result of warring against what is and what “is?” Pain comes from fighting against the is’ness of reality and being out of harmony with the truth. The answer is simply that what “is,” is showing up in order to help you evolve and teach you a lesson.

That is it and that is all, to look at it any other way is to step out of the natural way of this planet and the universe.   To take things personally is to pervert the natural way of life on this planet. Not to learn what you can is the same as failing to learn the lesson of the hot stove, which naturally will give way to suffering with your life. Suffering is what occurs when pain is mixed with hopelessness. Suffering is the result of someone repeatedly experiencing pain without knowing how to get it to stop.

The only way to get it to stop us to learn the lesson and do what’s necessary to make the appropriate changes and to evolve.

I have just shot a 3 part video strategy session series concerning the transmutation of pain. Please feel free to join me here by following this link. I hope to see you on the video and I genuinely look forward to corresponding and conversing with you there on this topic my friends.

The key to unlocking the power of pain and transmuting it from a negative into a positive is defined its purpose. When you find the purpose of the pain or the meaning in the misery you will be able to maintain motivation long enough to do what needs to be done to end the suffering.

Within the alchemy of pain video series that I’m giving you, I have broken this process down into 3 parts based on 3 timeless principles.

  1. Perceptual empowerment
  2. Reality consciousness
  3. Surrender

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