To stand in the face of reality and believe that you can manifest your hopes and dreams, it takes just a little bit of crazy. Life does not yield to our will very easily. Life does not happen to you but rather it happens for you because through this process of life you have an opportunity to become the type of person who can get or create whatever you want as long as you learn the skills, acquire the strengths and are properly developed.

The funny thing is simply that you cannot see the end from the beginning truly and accurately however the end you
envision before taking your first step must be complete and compelling enough to get you in motion and also to keep you that way. So what then is it that gives you the strength to see yourself as you could someday be rather than as you currently? What factors enable a person to walk by faith in the eyes of the storms of life when absolutely positively nothing is going right and has been going wrong for years? Yes the grace of God but also I personally think you need to be a little bit crazy!

What we’re talking about here when we refer to reaching most goals and creating the life that you truly want is simply to do what usually seems impossible from the beginning. Most visionaries and definitely all of the famous ones had to believe in something that seemed impossible to the masses in order to bring that impossibility down into the possible realm. Undoubtedly many visionaries were burned at the stake’s and lynched before we ever heard of them as a result of thinking against the grain. So when people tell you that your crazy for going after what you want and fighting for what you believe in, take it as a compliment because it means that you are on the right track. I say much more about this in the video, check it out!

Empowerment Strategist Byron Rodgers brings you Finding Meaning After The Military

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