The game of death… Some people think that only those who do jobs where Combat is a possibility and sometimes a probability are the only ones living life on the edge and playing the game of death every day. Something I’ve realized that I think can help add gravity, accuracy, Motivation and a very important sense of urgency to life is simply the realization that no matter what you’re doing with your days on this planet, you are simply dying to do those things. Every moment you spend doing any and everything is a moment that dies and that you cannot get back… Your effort’s, actions and experiences are all fossilized there.
You’re spending your most precious asset on everything you choose to do throughout your days. From the moment you were born, you begin to die. Death is always with each and every one of us. Even now hundreds of thousands of people are crossing over within the next 24 hours. At the moment death cannot be avoided as far as we know but I still believe it can be overcome by the purposeful person who because of deaths inevitability chooses to live his life deliberately, diligently and relentlessly until he contributes something that even death cannot pull under when the day comes by Gods grace.
Aim to live a life that bears fruit that will outlast your physical body. We all die two deaths, one is physical and the other is the death of our influence and contribution when the last person says our name on the planet for the very last time… Semper Fi, do or die, death before dishonor
?by Muzzle Flash Media

REPRESENTING Executive Protection Lifestyle Bravo Research Group

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