We have to decide whether we are going to major in the minors things of life or master the major things of life?

The only way to master the major things is to dominate the minor things, to sacrifice the minor things and to master the minor things.

We are all living within this paradox together daily as we fight to achieve our own forms of greatness…

We are all entrenched in a relentless battle to live in alignment with our own personal values. We may achieve those values on a micro level here and there but if we really want to achieve those values on a macro level within our lives we must inevitably learn to delay short-term gratification in an effort to achieve long-term, sustainable satisfaction. This is a battle that we must all fight on a daily basis. Everything great with in our life is the result of a multitude of small things done well and the inverse of that fact is also true. If you want to change your body there are many little things you’re going to have to do well consistently in the same is true when seeking to change your finances, the relationships in your life and even to achieve professional success.

Success unfortunately truly is not the default… Extinction and failure is the default my friends.

You have heard it said that, “Without vision people perish.” This statement is extremely true because without a long-term, motivating and inspiring vision it is only natural for an individual to become fixated and focus primarily on short-term gratification take a look at the site here. You have heard it said that, “the wealthy plan 10 years ahead but the poor man looks forward only to the weekend.” It is very difficult to appreciate, understand and totally commit to a long-term vision without the experience and payoff of achieving short-term goals and I think it is this fact that stops many people from gaining momentum in life towards the achievement of their own greater destiny purpose and future. The difference between the rich man and the poor man relative to the quote above is a matter of vision and faith.

You truly are getting what it is you are focusing on in life, which is why you heard it said that, “you can do anything you set your mind to.”  You really are achieving everything that you are truly setting your mind to on a daily basis… Have you ever thought about it; have you ever really paid attention to what it is your mind has been set to? The things that your mind is primarily concerned with have to do with your vision and are what is dictating the overall trajectory of your life. The thing about vision is simply that your vision can only be as big as the amount of faith that you have.  You can genuinely have a vision for something that you don’t have enough faith to believe you can achieve. The goal becomes learning to cultivate enough faith not only to help you achieve a worthwhile vision that will actually pull you towards it but also to help you cultivate enough faith in yourself to take consistent and deliberate action for a long enough time to achieve your goals.  You do this by reconditioning your mind through the information that you are giving it, getting yourself mental reference points to prove that your dreams can become a reality and a few other forms of cognitive restructuring that I would love to introduce to you in a strategy session.  The point is simply that major things you desire must first be cultivated, brought into focus and created through your minor day-to-day rituals, actions and habits.

When we major in the minor things we miss out on our destiny daily.

Just something for you to think about today, we are in this together!