Cultivating self-confidence is a skill that is integral to personal success. Probably the single most important thing you need on your journey to your own greater destiny purpose in future is confidence. Confidence in yourself and your God because the journey is literally designed to push you past every single one of your current limitations. The journey is designed this way on purpose in order to refine you because without that refinement process you will not evolve and transcend the person you are today in order to have what it is you truly know is yours.

On your journey you will have to access an almost endless supply of self-confidence. You will have to look those people who know you the best, love you and who you love in the eyes and believe in yourself when they no longer believe in you anymore. You are the only person on the journey and therefore it is absolutely vital that you close the loop so that you are entirely self-reliant, self-propelling, self-motivated, self-starting, self-generating an independent of all mental and emotional crutches. God gave you the seed; God gave you the talent and now is your time to get to work! The refinement process will systematically take any crutch or external support system you try to prop yourself up on and kick it out from underneath you, in order to force you to learn to stand and weather the storm on your own, using your own strength.

Why don’t people start going after their dreams in the first place?

Because they don’t have self-confidence!

Why don’t people last in the fight for what they want in life or quit shortly after they start?

Because they lose self-confidence!

Why are people pessimistic and choose to find reasons nothing will work even though there is close to an infinite amount of positive and negative available in every one of life’s circumstances?

Because they don’t have self-confidence and they choose negativity and use pessimism to stay safe! Said differently, they are afraid of getting hurt which comes back to a lack of self-confidence.

How to build self-confidence

  • Do the thing you fear until the death of fear is certain! Self-confidence comes largely and mostly from your experience. Self-confidence touches every single area of your life so anytime you feel yourself procrastinating or avoiding something as a result of subconscious fear or laziness, which is actually also fear… Go do that thing immediately! Aim to stomp fear out of your life in all of the small areas as often as possible. This will begin to help you cultivate an understanding of what actually takes place when you face your fears which is simply that you begin understanding that fear is nothing more than a lie. You are the one that manufactures fear; fear is a side effect of the thoughts you choose to foster in your mind.

False Evidence Appearing Real

  • Learn everything you can concerning what it is you want to create! What you want to create may seem foreign to you right now because you simply may not understand exactly how it works and that lack of understanding will make your dream seem impossible. Begin studying what it is you want to create. Start listening to audiobooks on your drive to and from work or soaking up knowledge in any way you can to help you understand the reality of how what it is you want to create works. The more you can learn about your given endeavor the more real it will become and the more attainable you will realize that it is. This will help you put together a realistic plan that you can believe will work which will actually get you started faster and more intelligently.
  • Implement motivational rituals daily! Every single day you must deliberately cultivate a state of motivation within your psychology, biology and physiology altogether. I personally listen to motivational speeches every morning while I work out. I have two playlists of around 150 motivational videos on YouTube that you can find on my YouTube channel, these are the same videos I compiled and use to maintain a state of motivation for the last decade, these videos are extremely effective. Additionally you should write your goal down and keep it in front of you daily in order to keep you focused. The goal here is to understand how to get yourself into a deliberate state of motivation concerning what it is you want.
  • Take one step every 24 hour period! Take one step closer to the achievement of your goals every 24 hour period. As your self-confidence grows and your progress builds, this journey will take on a life of its own and it will quickly become almost like an addiction. What was once hard will become extremely easy and you will be on your way. At this point the fight will have just begun but you will have sufficient rituals in place to ensure that you maintain motivation and thus your momentum. This will unlock a feeling of fulfillment that you rarely get to experience if you’re not deliberately living a purpose driven life. Figure out one habit you can do every day that will get you a little bit closer to your goal and dream so that when you lay your head down at night, you know that your little bit closer. This is the only way to change your situation, little by little, it’s the way you got to where you are right now and the way you will get to where you will be tomorrow.

If you can do this you will have enough self-confidence and purposeful momentum to change your life for sure.

We are in this together!


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