What do you do when life hits you with the unexplainable?
What do you do when there’s no easy explanation for the unfortunate events taking place in your life?
What do you do when you simply can’t find the empowering meaning that is supposedly present in all of life’s various situations?
How can learning to surrender help you?

Your reaction to these types of scenarios will invariably come down to one simple thing and that is simply what you believe about life. Your beliefs and values will takeover and drive your behavior in these moments. Depending on the quality of your beliefs, you will achieve a relative quality of life.

Rinse and repeat because this is how we all do life daily.

We live in alignment with our deepest values, not the ones we wish we have but we act based on what we genuinely believe at our core.

My suggestion is to learn how to surrender. If you can surrender to what “is” then you can find peace and freedom in the midst of very intense situations. I call this stepping into the “isness” of life. This paradigm is based on the thought process that life is impartial to you. Bad things are not happening because God, the universe hates you and just want to stomp your brains out, in fact on the contrary; bad things are probably just happening because they are a part of life, So first and foremost don’t take life’s crap personal.

Secondly, based on your current viewpoint within your scenario, it’s not entirely strange for you not to be able to see the empowering meaning and all the positives that are present with you in the storm. Sometimes you need to get out of the storm to be able to see because the components and emotional content in there with you is simply too intoxicating and blinding to see things clearly. So until you gain some distant from your troubles it can be very difficult to perceive positives. How many events in life can you look back on now that seemed unbearably terrible but eventually came around to workout to your advantage in the long run?

So just because you cannot see how things are working out for your good today, simply does not mean that they still may not be working out for your good tomorrow.

The truth is that nothing is good and nothing is bad outside of the realm of moral dilemma. It is nothing but our own personal judgments, mindsets, belief structures and comprehension of the situation that determines our stress levels in life. Sometimes things genuinely are bad but even in those cases what makes those scenarios much more stressful than they need to be is our own perception, perspective, thought processes and beliefs about the situation at large. Emotions are the emissions put out into the atmosphere of your body by your thoughts. Your emotions will show you the quality of your thoughts faster than anything else.

When you surrender you can simply say to yourself, “I’m not sure what’s going on and how it’s working to my advantage right now but I’m simply going to do my best and see what comes of it because I know that in the long run this will make sense.” After that you step into the situation purposing in your heart to do everything you can to roll with the punches and make things work to your advantage as you see the opportunities arise. Since you are the common denominator in each and every one of life’s situations, you know that as long as you keep the correct mindset, perception, and perspective etc. that you will be able to find a way to make everything serve you in the long run.

“You may not win initially but as long as you keep the right mindset and don’t give up, you will when eventually.”

To try and succeed is to know that you can achieve, to try and fail is to know that you cannot be destroyed but not to try is to have to deal with the most horrifying fear of all, which is the fear of the unknown… Never knowing if you’re good enough.

When things don’t make sense, simply surrender, put your best foot forward and know that all the pieces will come together in your rearview.

We are in this together!

We are in this together!


My goal is to help people build online businesses around the things they love the most in order to help them attain financial independence and freedom in life. If that sounds interesting to you, then check out this brief  introductory video. [button_3 bg=”silver” text=”get-the-free-video.png” align=”center” href=”https://byronrodgersmotivation.com/a-bridge-to-your-dreams/”/]