life is full of so much “stuff!”  so many things pull us in different directions. There are so many physical, mental and emotional requirements placed on us from outside influences. There are so many things that are necessary to survive  in our modern society. The bombardment is truly relentless…

Inevitably because we’re humans who’s various forms of energy flows like the waves on a seashore and tides of the ocean, we will eventually get tired. We all get tired and we all just want to quit at times. We all experience that dry patch of life that makes you wonder how much longer you have to go and if continuing on your path is even worth it. We all eventually feel overwhelmed because the needs that we must meet in order to stay afloat in society, do not ever need sleep, food or shelter like we do.

What do you do when you’re tired?

The truth is simply that being tired is part of the process. Being tired is an integral part of your journey to greatness!  If you’re working out at the gym and lifting heavy weights or doing cardio to lose weight you know that all of the work in progress takes place after your tired.  As you’ve heard me say before, life is not about what you’re doing or not doing as much as it’s about who you’re becoming. Your exhaustion is showing you exactly where your threshold is, where your strength is and where growth begins. Your tired because there is more being asked of you than you are accustomed to handling so it is time to become more.

If you want more in this life the truth is that you can have it but the catch is that you must become more. If you want a higher quality life, you’ve got to make higher-quality decisions which requires the acquisition of higher quality information. You are evolving throughout your life’s journey and if you’re tired you are in the refinement  portion of your process.

As I always say, ” Everything of value must first go through an appropriate process of purification and transmutation before its transformation.”

The muscles you build now during your struggle to become more, do more and be more than is required of you in your current situation are integral for you to reach the zenith of your ability and to achieve personal success.  If you don’t like the nature of your struggle  or the type of challenges your face with however  then you’ve probably built a reality out of alignment with your values and authentic purpose. This is something you should seek to change as soon as possible because this type of struggle is more like a slow death than painful exercise.

Either way I want to encourage you today to look in the mirror and purpose in your heart to become bigger, stronger, faster and smarter than your problems. In this way you can naturally eclipse, absorb and envelop your troubles rather than struggle with them.


 Start your free process to finding purpose here!