⚜️This Tactical Protection Review is from our friends at McDojoLife and here we’re going to learn about choosing the right instructors.

With the Internet age in full blast, it can be difficult not to be impressed by good marketing and theoretical tactics. Make sure the people you learn from have a legitimate lineage and have credibility in the industry before you invest your, time, money, and ultimately your life in their knowledge base.

Hand to hand tactics are one of the most important self-protection skill sets you must learn as a protector. When you need them in your life may depend on it so make sure you’re not living in a glasshouse.

At the Protector Symposium, our instructors are truly some of the best of the best and you can learn from them from the comfort of your own home or join us at live events through Protectorsymposium.com

Nonetheless, there is so much of this stuff out there these days that almost nothing surprises me anymore. I’m sure this video might just be a spoof but it’s still relevant because it’s not the worst I’ve seen. So be diligent in making sure you choose wisely who you learn from my friends.

⭕Train with us and our high-profile experienced instructors at the Protection Symposium 3.0
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⭕PS3 iNSTRUCTORS include:


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