Personal Growth

When it comes to personal growth The truth is simple… You are becoming someone. Every moment of your life that passes, every hour of your life that goes by and every day that you survive, contributes to the overall composition of who you are. You are turning into someone or something with every passing instant in time. The question is not whether or not you are becoming but rather who or what you are becoming… Personal growth is taking place on a daily basis for you and everyone else who is still living, so what are you growing into?

Who have you become?

Who are you becoming?

Who do you want to be?

If you have not been deliberate about the answers to these questions, you could be in danger.

I explain in the video.

I guess it would be most appropriate to start by considering who it is that you have become already? Have you become the person that you’ve always wanted to be? I don’t ask you this question to make you uncomfortable but rather to bring to your attention something that is probably one of the most important considerations of life. Do not think about material wealth or external things to validate your being during this conversation please, because we both know that those things are not you and no matter how much you’d like to hide behind them, they can never truly be nearly as valuable as you organically are. Everything within your external world is simply the result of your own personal growth rather than any sort of cause.

Who have you become? If you haven’t become the person that you’ve wanted to become then why not? For most people the reason is simply that they have not really been mindful or deliberate about who they are becoming and their personal growth. Most people haven’t taken the time to think five or 10 years into the future, to see themselves physically, working a vocation that they desire and in a life situation that fits them on their most authentic levels. As a result of this, many people evolve unconsciously, their identity simply gets shaped, molded and colored by circumstance. This is a dangerous place to be because it is the past two and fulfillment… Living life without deliberation is the road to unhappiness.

I’m not saying that if you are deliberate about who you are becoming that you will all of a sudden achieve happiness because let’s face it, life happens to us all. But I will say that you will be much happier with yourself and with your life the more often you can achieve the things that are in alignment with your heart’s truest desires.

If you’re like most people today, you probably have not truly focused on your hearts truest desires yet because as a result of our consumer driven society, your hearts desires have not been paramount to your survival. Money has been paramount to your survival and naturally you have probably done things in order to acquire it rather than to create a life that is congruent with your heart’s deepest desires check out this site.  living in this way is extremely corrosive to your authenticity, your spirit and your personal growth and makes it almost impossible to be fulfilled and what you’re doing on a regular basis.

It is because of this truth that most people are surprised at what they’ve become towards the end of their life, are unfulfilled with who they are and what they become my daily basis and are having many of the struggles we see in society. You are here to fulfill a specific destiny and purpose that no one else on the planet can fulfill. There has never been a synergy of thoughts, emotions, experiences and energy like you and nor will there ever be again… Only you can do what you can do the way you do it and the world will be a better place when you simply do what it is you love. The struggle is learning how to tip the scales so that you can get paid for doing what it is you love and that is where I come in, I specialize in helping people take action on their passions and find ways to monetize doing the things that they love.

Who have you become? Who are you becoming? Who do you want to be?

If you’re not sure how to answer these questions then contact me for free consultation and let’s get to work. 844.801.4203