Overcoming fear is something that we must all learn to do if we are going to be successful in life.  there is literally nothing worth having on this planet that is of high value that is not guarded by fear in some way. People that do not learn to face their fears are inevitably stuck in a mode of protection rather than growth for their entire human existence;  the result is that they suffer a living death and end in fate rather than thriving through life and reaching their destiny. The way to overcome fear is through accurate thought.

Every emotion we experience in life is the result of the quality of our thought life. Our emotions are the first manifestations, reactions and results of the thoughts we cherish, entertain and partake of. You and I have never experienced an emotion that did not result from the conscious and subconscious or even unconscious thought processes taking place within our minds.

In order to feel something we have belief structures, rules and thought processes that ignite the physiological and energetic composition resulting in the way we feel. In order to overcome fear one must first know the truth about fear and in this video that is exactly what I talk about.

We are in this together!


My goal is to help people build online businesses around the things they love the most in order to help them attain financial independence and freedom in life. If that sounds interesting to you, then check out this brief  introductory video. [button_3 bg=”silver” text=”get-the-free-video.png” align=”center” href=”https://byronrodgersmotivation.com/a-bridge-to-your-dreams/”/]