⚜️ With everything taking place in the world today please do not forget or neglect to take pause and thank God for what you do have. Think back to the time when you were praying for the things you now possess. Think about before you got that job, car relationship or were working on that deal and you just knew that this one thing would make all the difference. How soon do we forget how happy we should be for all the things we have been given and entrusted with over the years… When you turn your expectations into appreciation your eyes open to the reality that life itself is a miracle.

Where focus goes, energy flows and matter follows energy so you create your world based on what are you focus on and how you feel about it. The power of Thanksgiving and gratitude is found in the experience you are guaranteed to have if you just remember and give thanks for all the things that have already been done for you. Yes there’s so much left for us good people to do by the grace of God but we will be even more fit to endure those challenges mentally, emotionally and even physically if we carry the grace we’ve experienced in our hearts with us as we fight the wars in front of us.

I thank God for the strength he’s given me and I vow not to let the Grace has given and continues to give me being vain.

This is why there is a memorial to
1st Corinthians 15:10 tattoo covering my back. I am and have lived the truth of this and I want to share so many more of us can be set free through this perspective as well. Give thanks because none of us truly know how long we will be able to enjoy any of this and so much of it has been better than we often care to remember.

PROTECTOR by nature and by trade

God bless and Semper Fi ???

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