⚜️I love this video because we don’t often get videos from the private security industry but this is a great one that shows how we get down. I’d like to start off by saying these two gentlemen did great work as far as I could see for the portion of the video we have access to. Sidenote: if anyone knows these guys please reach out to me through my website byronrodgersmotivation.com because I would love to have them on my podcast just to talk about what happened here.

When you are in transit you’ve got a remember that you are in a transitional space which means you’re in a place where attacks are more prevalent. Understanding your rules of engagement and actions upon contact are very important. You always want to make sure that when you do your route planning, you know where your assets and support are located at every portion of your journey. Alternate routes, evasive routes, safe houses, law enforcement, medical assets, safe houses and or embassies all need to be illuminated and accounted for before you step off. Like I said in the video I don’t know if these guys did or didn’t have those assets organized before this attack but these are just considerations.

Additionally, drivers drive and drivers help with navigation, shooting and communication. This empowers the driver to focus on what he has to do while the driver call organizes assets, thanks ahead, and defend the vehicle. Overall these guys did a fantastic job and I think there’s lots we can all take away from this video. If you’re in the private security game come and train with me

Call for those in law enforcement, civilians, and private security professionals, let’s train together ⭕️https://www.protectorsymposium.com/⭕️​

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