You can tell yourself whatever you want to tell yourself but whatever you tell yourself better help you get it done. We’ve all lived long enough to realize that people can believe literally anything. Another truth that I believe is underappreciated is the fact that what people choose to believe is the unseen force that dictates their entire reality.

Why you do what you do gives birth to how you feel when you do it, how long you can do it for and the meaning you’re giving in return for doing it. You simply cannot outperform your paradigm. You cannot outperform your perspective. You cannot outperform your self-concept. You cannot outperform your mentality.

These days when it comes to personal philosophy I bother les with the accuracy of thought and more with the way my thoughts impact me as an individual and the POWER of the thought.

Example; the belief that I am a champion has not been true for most of my life but holding this belief and acting from its deep-seated reality inside of me has given this belief the opportunity to manifest itself in my life on many occasions since I chose to own it.

It simply cost you nothing and can cost you everything not to pay attention to your beliefs about yourself and your purpose.

Begin the hunt to acquire beliefs that will empower you and strengthen you on the road to your own greater destiny, purpose and future otherwise suffer the fate that comes upon the ignorant as they hope that things will just work out.

You create reality out of what you choose to believe.

PROTECTOR by nature and by trade

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