⚜️ This Tactical Protection Review involves two guys in a parking lot, one guy attacks the other with a long blade knife. Pls 👀 watch the vid to see what happens next and to see what can be learned tactically from this encounter.


If you find this video informative, join the Civilian Protector Project and learn to protect yourself and your loved ones. 🥰 🤜 https://go.protectornation.com/civilian.


In this world, the strongest and most formidable wins, be peaceful but not harmless. Our mission is to make THE WORLD A SAFER PLACE BY MAKING GOOD PEOPLE MORE DANGEROUS.


Protector by nature and by trade


🎥 Video editing & 🎨 Graphics by @art_production07

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

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The Protector Podcast

Be Peaceful But Not Harmless