⚜️It’s really easy to make videos on tips, tricks, and tactics to win in this game but let me tell you guys, it’s one thing to say stuff and pretend for the ‘gram and a completely different thing to actually do what you say. When I was trying to find my path, it was just me, God, and the darkness but by the grace of the almighty and my own hard work, I have now reached a point where I can now offer guidance to others who’re trying to make a place in this industry. It wouldn’t have been possible without the hustle that I’ve put in, and with the grace, God has showered me with.

I have learned so much more from pain than I have from pleasure, and that has helped me to effectively grow into the person I’m today. Take your hardships as an opportunity, because they play an important role in making you the person, you are today. If you surround yourself with people who keep telling you what you want to hear, always, you’re never going to grow. Surround yourself with people who can speak the truth if you want genuine friends.

Do not shy away from looking into the realities, and owning your deficiencies. You can only improve on the deficiencies you are aware of. Discipline yourself to face the harsh realities of life, rather than for instagram!

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Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

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Be Peaceful But Not Harmless