⚜️I want you to see what it’s like to be part of The League of Executive Protection Specialists. I want you to hear firsthand the value that League members are getting from being part of this brotherhood of protectors. Once you complete a course with us, you become part of The League of Executive Protection Specialists and you never have to do your career alone again.
A few benefits:
⭕ Ongoing mentorship for the rest of your career
⭕ Your network gets built for you
⭕ The relationships you gain access to our another layer that works to ensure your success in the industry.
This episode is simply a glimpse of one of our monthly meetings. I hop online with members of the league twice per month to conduct ongoing training, mentorship, and real-time help to agents within our brotherhood for the rest of their careers. This meeting took place right after the EP Forum and Close Protection conference.
On the way into the live events, we met up as a class and I gave our tribe the formula I learned to achieve success when networking at these types of live events. At the event, we all linked up, supported each other, and implemented that strategy together.
The results are simple… Our agents found many working opportunities and began to procure relationships that will pay back many dividends in terms of career success over the next few years. The strategy for being successful in this industry is not difficult but the advantage that league members have is simply that they don’t have to figure it out on their own or do it alone because they have each other, all of the instructors, and myself working with them to support them on their journey.
⚡Train with us at https://epspecialist.com/
? Video editing | @art_production07
Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers | @byron_rodgers