Violence teaches all of us so much about who we truly are at our very core. Jared is a man who has been there and has brought that knowledge back through his experiences and has used it all to make him a better police officer, instructor and warrior. Jared Reston is a modern day warrior. Not only for the things he’s accomplished and continues to accomplish every time he goes out on the job and writes a blank check in order to protect and serve the public but also for his mindset, ethos, and paradigm. This episode with him is one for the books. We talk about many things that only someone who has the types of experiences he has can talk about. I feel that conversations like this are truly sacred and I feel absolutely honored that he was willing to open up on the show in this way. I didn’t detect anything flashy or arrogant about him as he spoke about his experiences but what I believe shines through the brightest in our conversation is his humility and that he knows that he’s just a man who was put on this earth to do a hard job and also his dedication to putting himself between evil people and the innocent. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode with Jared and I believe anyone who listens to it will as well.
For more visit on Jared
PROTECTOR by nature & by trade
From Byron
⚫️Check out the podcast!⚫️
Itinerary of information during the episode :
1:08 – Introduction
3:35 – Paradigm around protection survivor
5:19 – SWAT Team
9:20 – All about training and making the right decisions
13:10 – Profession as a law enforcement officer
15:25 – Having a partner
17:30 – Dealing with fire
20:58 – Unreal things
24:18 – Piece of the equation
27:09 – Worse things
31:40 – Outperform self concept
34:34 – Practice makes perfect
38:21 – Keep moving
41:10 – Willingness
45:39 – Clean slate
49:24 – Struggle
51:37 – Doing what you’re designed to do?
55:24 – Being the shield
1:00:41 – Point two second split
1:11:23 – Calling as United States Marine Corps
1:15:48 – Following law enforecement path
1:19:07 – Be ready for the fight
1:22:44 – Having what it takes
1:23:13 – End credits

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