At the League of Executive Protection Specialists we are raising the golden standard in the private security industry and turning generalists into specialists by offering groundbreaking training packages.
We are from the private security industry so every single training battery in operation we put together is carefully constructed to get agents, agencies and organizations the greatest ROI on their investment possible. We’ve already seen this play out and we know what we are doing works.

Make no mistake though the HARD SKILLS intensive is not just about bringing you the HARD SKILLS to make sure you can be as advertised on your worst day on the job. This training is also about giving you the tactical advantage you need to get access to the high-powered jobs in our industry and outperform 90% of the resumes of generalists in the private security game.

If this is your calling too, come train with us at the League of Executive Protection Specialists and let’s make this the best year of our professional lives.
The Enrollment For 2022 Events is now open for Level III Hard Skills Training at Tuscon, Arizona.

You will work day and night in this course and at 90 hours, we have packed more than 2 weeks of instruction into just over a week.


Protector by nature and by trade

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The Protector Podcast

Be Peaceful But Not Harmless