⚜️The message here is simple… Experience is the most powerful teacher we have access to as the human species. If you and I can continually give each other and other humans positive experiences with us, humanity will not be able to continue hiding from the reality of humanity in every single one of us.

If I run into someone who is racist, I give them nothing… Nothing bad to say about me, I respect their opinion because truly it’s their prerogative. I don’t act like an N-word because they think I’m in an N-word, which would actually give them power over me and prove them right simultaneously. No, I’m BYRON and I don’t let external circumstances dictate anything inside of the kingdom of my mind will, and emotions.

If I run into someone who is racist, I give them nothing bad to say about me. I represent myself, my people, my culture, and every tribe I represent with honor, dignity, intelligence, strength, and a good sense of humor. I do have compassion for their ignorance but I did not let it bring me down to their level and doing this helps freedom from the bondage and ignorance of that mentality. Give them a positive experience with you and make it harder for them to believe that things about us all. We are all in this together… Evil cannot be overcome by evil. Do not let those in power benefit by dividing us cause us to fight fire with fire because we all only lose in the end that way. You must overcome evil with good!

Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

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Be Peaceful But Not Harmless