⚜️If you’ve ever felt that someone else has ever impacted your self-esteem, then it’s truly a time for introspection. Noone should be able to mess with your head and question your very own self-concept. If you’re aware of your weaknesses as well as strengths, you won’t feel the need of getting validation from other people.

If you let your insecurities get to you, it’s hard for you to overcome your fears and make progress. Your ego doesn’t hurt you more than others around you. It gives you a false impression of how amazing you are, in order to keep you safe. But, that essentially pulls you away from reality and prevents you from overcoming your weaknesses.

Rather than working towards protecting your self-esteem, learn to work on it, and nurture it. Take responsibility, work on your self and strive to become a stronger, wiser version of yourself every single day.

Stay strong, and positive.

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Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

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Be Peaceful But Not Harmless