It is so sad it has become so difficult to be yourself in this world. To try and cultivate your own authenticity and stay true to what you feel is right is so countercultural it feels like swimming upstream. In some ways, I know that I’m special, we all are. We are so unique, that’s our superpower.

Each of us is the only version of ourselves this whole universe will ever know. Other than that I am just a very mediocre, imperfect man. The difference I’m finding between myself and others as I continue to grow and strive to evolve is that I’ve gone on a journey inward to work on myself.

I’m doing my best to perfect the art of being me while striving to become what I was created to be and achieve what I was sent here to do. This journey is everything. It is the way you serve and show gratitude to God for giving you this chance/opportunity. It is the way you serve your family and tribe. It is the ultimate way that you contribute to humanity on higher and higher levels.

If one can stay on this journey he can achieve and create supernatural things for us all to enjoy. Dare I say that this is the mission of every man/woman walking this earth. Dare I say that this is the point of life because everything in your human experience will come out of your ability to succeed at this one task.

At the end of the day, you cannot outperform your self-concept. God himself can only work with what you give him because he loves you enough to give you the ultimate sovereignty over yourself and the greatest gift one can give is the freedom of choice. To go after this is not selfishness or arrogance although others will project those titles onto you. Be graceful with them because they are seeing the world through the warped lens of their trauma and they may never see you accurately. But you’re not doing it for them although they will benefit from your fight, you’re doing it because we can’t let this Grace we’ve been given to be in vain.

I’m just a man trying my best to become the man I was sent here for and I pray that my willingness to be vulnerable, to win, to lose, to try in front of you inspires you to do the same. Because that’s how we will make this world a better place. We are all only human for now and what separates us is what we do with what we’ve been given.

Protector by nature and by trade

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