⚜️I’ve never been the biggest, the baddest, or the best at almost anything but what I’ve learned about this life I freely give…

If there’s one principle a human being can learn to master that will change their life and help them reach levels beyond their wildest dreams it’s this…

“It is more blessed to give than to receive“

You can Google the statement if you want to know who said it first but this one principle is the key to unlocking people, places, and things that will allow you to live life on levels far beyond your natural capabilities.

I am convinced that a life centered around contribution is one of if not the only way to truly live.

Purpose to become stronger, smarter, and more powerful every single day so you can make higher quality contributions.

“Your gift will make room for you”

You will always be compensated in direct proportion to the quality of your contributions in this life… The better you make your contributions, the higher you will climb by God’s grace. But even that requires that you evolve as a person so there is no escaping the deep, terrible and awesome work of cultivating the best version of yourself on this journey.

Ultimately what I believe you’ll find and what I am learning is that this game is all about becoming the best version of yourself so you can make the highest quality contributions while finding a way to experience gratitude in the face of all of life’s lessons.

Living in this way is the only way I have found not to let the grace that’s been given us… to live this life being vain.… This is to truly live.

Thank you so much for all of the support, I love you all.


Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers


? @joeyskibel_artist
⚡️Tactical suit @grayman.company

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