The insecurity we all struggle with in the beginning when we look in the mirror and we realize the vast expanse that exists between where we currently are and where we someday hope to be is natural… I think it’s the only honest starting point.

The antidote for this fear and insecurity is simple, much like all wisdom but not necessarily easy to implement.

The key to killing the insecurity is progress.

Progress equals happiness. Progress equals confidence because confidence is nothing more than a deep knowing and internal equity that comes from experiences that prove that you can trust yourself.

Progress not only helps you get better but lets you know more importantly that you are able to get yourself better.

When you value progress wins and losses are just lessons and logs to feed the fire of your evolution.

We then realize that all of the imperfections are fixable as long as we learn how to continue accurately and effectively adapting to the feedback we get from reality.

We fail if we fall in love with ourselves, our creation or any past victory because we’ve become crystallized in a past moment that doesn’t exist anymore. Being dedicated to progress means that you were always willing to sacrifice former and weaker versions of yourself on the altar of progress, because situation dictates tactics and the higher levels of development have everything to do with fluid intelligence rather than crystallized formulas, identities or ideas.

I think this game has everything to do with making us the type of people who can deal effectively with anything that comes as a result of who we’ve become on the journey rather than being people who think we are great because of anything that we’ve achieved in the past moment.

To fall in love with progress is to fall in love with reality because it is and immutable law that eliminates those who cannot adapt and illuminates those who lean into it… Until their time is done as well and then progress continues @byron_rodgers

? @muzzleflashmedia

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