There are so many opinions out there about training and what is not needed. I read in some of the groups that some people think our training goes a little bit overboard when it comes to hard skills. To me, it seems like we come from different worlds but work in the same industry. I don’t understand how private security professionals can ever consider themselves legitimate protectors without knowing that they’ve mastered certain hard skills.
In Executive Protection everything may go as planned most of the time but does that mean we don’t plan for when they go wrong? For me being a legitimate protector has always been about mastering the soft skills to ensure that principals experience the highest level of service on a day-to-day basis; while cultivating a level of fierce proficiency with the hard skills while not at work to ensure that that level of performance and service is reliable as well.
That’s the scary thing about the HARD SKILLS… You use the soft skills every day and if you aren’t careful you can be sung to sleep by this reality and let your hard skills simply fade. Fortunately, the Marine Corps and my time in combat have already taught me how dangerous complacency is. I know that what you do while you’re not at work is what makes you a legitimate protector.
The Hard Skills Intensive is the course designed to help you cultivate those skills annually.
At the end of the day, our clients hire us for actual protection, and in order to have integrity with who and what we are we must be capable of physically protecting other people no matter what trouble arises. We must be legitimate protectors and that’s what this episode is all about.
I chose to do this episode while on a little bit of an operation South of the border with our training Director at the League of Executive Protection Specialists, Rick Sweeney. He’s the best Executive Protection instructor I’ve ever learned from and we are absolutely honored to have him. He’s been doing high-threat executive protection and training agents for over a decade now.
Our goal with the EPS League is to raise the standard of training of Executive Protection agents out there in the game. The League is the one place in the industry that specializes in training high-threat in high-contact Executive Protection. There are many phenomenal training options out there but we want to train you to be comfortable on your worst day at the job!
Join the league, join the brotherhood, and become part of the gold standard.
There’s so much for everyone in this episode, pass it around and ENJOY!
Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers