This is a new content category I’m playing with where I’m able to have you all join me for the podcast as I record it. Elijah helped me stumble over this concept and so he’s the first one to roll it out with me. This is a fun episode where we work out a few kinks but get into some really good content that can help many professionals in light of current events.
We traverse many topics having to do with: COVID-19 preparedness and strategies, branding/marketing, relationship building with powerhouses in the industry and we also talked about what your endgame for your career should look like depending on your goals.
If you’re in the private security industry, there is something in here for you definitely. I hope to see more of you on the next one and get more questions from the crowd as the goal with these is to have your participation, interactions and additions. Until then, enjoy!
?Follow the link to check out Elijah’s best selling book, An Introduction to Celebrity Protection & Touring.
?Use the code: EPL-LIVE for a 10% discount
Itinerary of information during the episode :
01:09 – Introduction
05:02 – How has the lockdown affected your game?
08:09 – A tragic thing that’s going on around the world
11:36 – Surviving the storm
13:44 – Doing what you want to do and what you love
20:16 – You should always be marketing
26:37 – If you’re bored, you’re wrong
31:37 – It’s a really beautiful time in our industry
38:24 – Message about women in the industry
58:31 – It pays to bring value
01:09:31 – Executive Protection Ethics
01:22:19 – Elijah Shaw’s Course
01:22:23 – Executive Protection Success Package
01:23:00 – End Credits
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