I take pause before writing this review for Charles because it’s very important to me that I do a good job helping you all understand what manner of man he is. When I was coming up in the game, I worked for Charles for a few years and I must say that I’ve never had a boss or mentor go the extra mile for me in the ways that Charles did routinely and not just me but for all of the guys on his team who worked to deserve it.
The ones that didn’t deserve it he would always try to save but he was never an enabler of bad character. Not only is he the type to go the extra mile for his team and his clients but he also said his people up for success, always aiming for a mutually beneficial arrangement whenever possible.
The things I learned from Charles in life, business, and Executive Protection is something that I implement and use to this very day. He’s one Man I wish more people could benefit from a relationship with because I know it would make our industry a better place. Enjoy this interview and absorb what is useful, my friends.
Protector by nature and by trade
Itinerary of information during the episode :
00:07 – Executive Protection Training Day
01:48 – Charles and his company
05:01 – Why you’re doing, what you’re doing?
07:45 – Being a company owner
13:00 – What are your goals?
18:01 – Who are you at the core?
20:32 – What you’re passionate about?
23:45 – How can I help the guy above and below me?
30:35 – There are too many relationships to build that is important
36:26 – What do you look for when you’re hiring?
44:00 – Trying to help people get in the industry
48:02 – What worked for me?
54:10 – How you work the network
57:00 – Expanding and scaling
01:00:46 – A breath of fresh air!
01:05:43 – The value of a good team
01:10:00 – What you don’t like about the game?
01:15:32 – The hardest lesson you learned
01:18:17 – What you’re worried about?
01:23:14 – Make your marketing change better
01:28:37 – The mindset stuff
01:35:00 – End Credits
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