To a warrior every single day is a battle within the saga of a larger war. So many of us sink into apathy because we fail to make the connection that this reality and this life represent the most important battle we will ever take part in. When someone who truly is a warrior at their core does not have a righteous fight, they lose purpose…

If you look around in your environment right now, everything you see will have a purpose and the things you see that don’t have a purpose to you are the very things that have no value to you…

What do you do with anything that does not have a purpose?

Those things get missed used, abused, or eliminated…

I think this is what happens to so many lives these days and especially when it comes to warriors. If we fail to find our new fight regardless of what we’ve done in the past, regardless of gender, physical potency, or anything on the physical plane as far as capability goes, we quickly descend, dissolve and cease to find meaning in life.

When you are truly a warrior, you must fight in a righteous war and every single day represents a battle where you are either taking ground or losing it. You are either deliberately pushing or you are being defeated whether you realize it or not.

If you have this engine inside of you you know what I’m saying is true and therefore your mission must be to find something you can give yourself with figure, courage, and consistency. When you live this way you will see that it is one of the most validating, fulfilling and life-giving ways to exist in this world. I believe God created us to live this way and that’s why it instantly fits the moment you begin to truly apply yourself with faith, humility and consistency. As you get better on the journey and through various battles, humanity gets better. As we all do our part to improve and serve on higher levels, we all move forward together.

Every day is a battle in the war for your destiny, do not let fear win.

Protector by nature and by trade

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Be Peaceful But Not Harmless