Vulnerability is a secret weapon.

Just like all wisdom, this is simple to understand but difficult to implement.
Vulnerable his weakness and imperfection but only at the surface.
It’s death to those who ignore it, suppress it, or hide it. This is why most people think it is death but truth answers all things.
Conversely, it is strength.
Vulnerability is the soil that breeds power.
Vulnerability is the starting point of all greatness.
None of us can avoid it.
You are not good enough from the beginning of the journey but you need the journey to illuminate and cultivate your vulnerabilities so you can become.
Your vulnerabilities are what the journey all about. Without walking that path you will always be hiding. Hiding your vulnerabilities and thus yourself.
What type of subconscious message does that send your personal identity? No wonder everyone is so fragile these days.
Vulnerability is the path!
They are pointing to all the ways you must take to climb the mountain of self-transcendence and personal evolution in an effort to become what you were always designed to be.
You cannot do this without remaining constantly and intimately associated with your weaknesses so learn to love them through the knowledge that you will perfect them.
As you learn to understand your sovereignty over your life through your ability to perfect these then you will no longer be threatened by them. You’ll be excited because you see the providence that they represent.
Unfortunately, many of us are so busy running that we will never walk in this level of internal health and that is a great tragedy for humanity.
While everyone’s running, defending, and explaining; you are calm, collected, listening, accepting, and surrendering to the feedback with a smile on your face.
One of you will freeze in time and development while the other one simply elevates with love and gratitude at the center of their core.
PROTECTOR by nature and by trade

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

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Be Peaceful But Not Harmless