Today you will be spending God’s currency on those things that matter to you the most… You may want to disagree with me but your words simply tell me what you want while your actions show me who you are. Your time, energy and actions are the ultimate currency and manifestation of your values. It is very important that we all take a square look in the mirror to assess ourselves and our deeds to tap into the reality of what’s truly important to us all and what’s going on inside.

No one can argue with results and your actions are the results of your thinking and your beliefs. The alchemy of life is truly the art of crystallizing your desires and your higher nature to the point where your actions simply organically follow this superior way of behaving. This is a struggle, this is a fight and this is not to be taken lightly. We’ve been given the beautiful power of consciousness and choice which also means that we will not organically evolve, we must first decide you and then strive against pressure to become something different in alignment with those higher desires.

The simple truth is that everyone’s fighting for what they believe and it’s seen in their actions and deeds. When you look at the way you spend your time today, seriously sit down and ask yourself, “what am I fighting for?“ What am I working hard to manifest in my life and my reality? If I continue living this same type of day for the next five years what will it truly get me and do I even want those results?

Asking the healthy question of what is it all for from time to time is a very powerful way to begin deliberately navigating your ship. You may not be able to change everything today but you can start injecting microdoses of deliberation and effort in the direction you ultimately want to go and that is the beauty of this life. Fight the good fight, you are ultimately in charge. Good, bad, light, dark and all the rest are nothing but a suggestion. But if you never asked a question or become deliberate then you will be hypnotized into fighting and spending yourself for something that you never truly ultimately desired in the first place.

What are you fighting for, what will you become?

? @muzzleflashmedia

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