In your mind there is a three-way conversation

  • Superconscious, subconscious and focal conscious
  • Spirit, Soul and Body

Most of us have created our lives around 2 very loud and aggressive characters within this conversation.

  • Physical or logical world
  • Emotion world

The overwhelming majority of your thoughts are around your emotions and what your body wants if you’re like most people. This is a consequence of our society it is the way of our culture and collective consciousness.


The problem is that these 2 realms of consciousness (logical and emotional) will keep you on a horizontal path.

There are 2 paths in this life one which is vertical that is in alignment with what you know and can see… the path of sight.


The 2nd is the path of vision this is the path that you know is possible but you cannot figure out how to get there because it is impossible to figure your way to this destination.


One of these paths leads to fate which is what happens if you cannot get off the horizontal path because without learning to fly fate is unavoidable. Fate happens to you


The other path is vertical and it leads you to your destiny but this path does not make sense and it takes faith. This is the path on which all great deeds are done.


Every movie you’ve ever seen or story that you have ever read about a human being doing a great deed required that human being to get off of the horizontal path and get onto the vertical path.


The way you get off of this path is to learn how to move from fear consciousness to faith consciousness.

You must disconnect from this physical logical world and connect to a realm of impossibly possible possibilities.


The 1st step to the journey under vertical path is to learn how to distinguish between the voices within your mind. None of these voices mean you harm but if you do not learn how to use them correctly you will harm your potential.


Your body is always talking about what it wants to eat, drink and do… you know what I mean. To let your body control you is to acquire all of your power in one realm of influence. Physical labor profits a man very little and there is a great difference between strength and power.


Your subconscious or soul consists of your mind will and emotions and is responsible for all the decisions you make. At the end of the day it is this part of you that will be the composite resonator of all that you are, and have come to be during a human experience. When your soul is talking your experiencing an emotional current.


There is a difference between feeling and emotion however… it is when you understand how to distinguish the difference between feeling and emotion that you will begin to unlock the power of the highest level of consciousness that you possess.


Your super conscious, spirit is connected to everything, and knows everything and it wants you to manifest your best self. But you must learn how to slow down the chatter and to hear his voice. This is where we see the truth of the statement that, “the meek shall inherit the earth.”