You’ve heard me say it before and I will say it again!

“Nothing will bring you closer to destruction than comfort”

There are so many people hiding in this world in the comfort of good activities, settling for good enough or even great activities. No wonder there is so much suffering. There is something to be said for the payoff with living in passion!

Ask yourself what happens to things that are lacking in passion. What happens to objects that are supposed to be living, that operate within the realm, or in a way that is void of passion? Passion is like the salt on your food! In all actuality you can taste the difference between food that’s made with passion and food that is made without love or a caring heart. There is an intangible energy and resonance that keeps things, people, organizations and entire industries alive when they are enthralled with passion.

There is no substitute for living in passion – in fact, the imitation of passion is down right appalling. Passion is the child of two emotions: love and excitement. When these two emotions come together, human beings have been known to be endowed with supernatural powers. In fact this composition of emotions has been behind every single person that has changed the face of this world. 

Because passion is electric and it resonates with the hearts and minds of people that it comes in contact with, it is contagious.

Gandhi assembled one of the largest armies ever seen through the medium of passion. Martin Luther King changed the United States, once and for all, with a passion for people.  Michael Jordan was driven to be the best by passion, Michael Jackson the same thing. The list goes on and on, my friends. These icons and historical leaders have been immortalized because they were living in passion. 

As human beings we have the honor of dying to deaths we die once when the last breath leaves our physical bodies. We die again when our name is mentioned by someone for the last time. So, when asked what is the payoff in passion? My response is simply this:

Through passion, mortals can transform into immortal beings in one lifetime!

There is a price to pay for living in passion. There is always a gatekeeper to greatness, and he stands ready to strike you where it counts in order to make you earn your destiny. For passion to exist, you must submit to vulnerability. As long as you’re not afraid to remain authentic with your passion and to expose yourself, making yourself vulnerable to others, you will eventually be rewarded with the admiration and respect of those who have watched you make yourself vulnerable.  

Don’t give up and don’t expect everything to go exactly as you’ve planned, because if you could see your own destiny then life would be no fun, and greatness would not take any faith or courage at all. 

Don’t let your greatness be cheapened. Determine to live with passion!