Neuroscientists agree that 80 to 90% of what you do over the course of a day is subconscious…

Your subconscious mind writes the software that runs your life.

What if there are things in your subconscious mind that are holding you back… would you know it?

Does it seem like every time you are about to get ahead something goes wrong and you are sabotaged?

Do you think it’s easy to detect that you are working against and or sabotaging yourself?

If you discovered how you were getting in your own way how would you go about changing it?

In this video:  we will answer all these questions and layout a dynamic and effective framework for destroying self-limiting belief structures… we all have them or have overcome them at some point in time.

  • The software that runs your life is developed based on things you’ve experienced
  • Emotional states and algorithms that have set a baseline for your life
  • Outcomes of decisions you’ve made

Example:  driving a car, learning to walk and probably the tasks you perform on a daily basis at work.


  • Your subconscious mind is doing the same thing that your focal conscious and superconscious faculties are doing which is trying to protect you the best way they can. The only problem is that, what once used to protect you in one environment will hold you back in another environment or at another time in life.
  •  During the 1st 6 years of your life you are in a hypnogogic trance. Your brain is producing delta waves which is keeping you in a state of hyper learning and this is when your brain is writing the foundation of your subconscious content.
  •  If you were told that you were bad, didn’t deserve something or weren’t good enough… this material is almost definitely deeply embedded within your consciousness.
  •  There are a few new ways to get this type of life altering information out of your subconscious mind. Most of which involve hypnotherapists, psychologists and alike
  •  For today’s practical application I’m going to instruct you on how to do this deliberately. It’s going to take good old-fashioned hard work but in the end it will be worth it!

This is the part where being in the loop comes in handy because that is where you can find the rest of this principle as well as exercises that will help you destroy self-limiting belief structures.  I hope to see you on the inside or at least take me up on the free two-week membership!


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